SEEKING VOLUNTEERS – Direct Action LAW RESTORE Campaign, Box Hill, Melbourne, Australia


Do you live, work or play in Box Hill or the nearby inner-eastern suburbs of Melbourne (Australia)?

Do you have a bit of time you can put aside to join us and others in the community, to get involved in the direct action law restore campaign (door-knocking, letter-writing and petition-signature collecting) in Victorian Attorney-General Robert Clark’s State Electorate of Box Hill?  You can spend as much or as little time with us as you wish.  Even just an hour or two a week, or half a day a month or ………

Please contact us, Terry and Sue, at as we and our growing team of volunteers will be keen to hear from you.

This is a community direct action law restore campaign that we are kicking off this month (from second week of January 2013) and continuing through until the next Victorian State Election, due on 29 November 2014.

In 2005 the High Court of Australia declared, in a highly contrived case engineered at millions of dollars of public expense by two crooked Victorian Government agencies, Victoria Legal Aid, and the shadowy, dubiously funded and operated Legal Practitioners Liability Committee, that it was not enough that the States’ 2,000 barristers were above the laws of professional negligence – the High Court had to make the States’ 20,000 solicitors above the laws of Australia too.  The High Court, in this multi-million dollar funded lawyers picnic, D’Orta-Ekenaike v Victoria Legal Aid and a Barrister created world first laws making Australia the only country in the world (ever) where it is against the law to sue solicitors (and the only country in the world where it remains illegal to sue barristers) who are negligent “and worse” in the conduct of legal proceedings.

See James Johnson‘s blogs: On the Path to Democracy and Lawyerocracy on Trial for more information on this 8 year old public crisis in the law.  And see FRIENDS OF JAMES JOHNSON‘s previous blog, with the full text of James’ letter of 31 December 2012 to Robert Clark which spells out the initiatives that we want the Victorian Attorney-General to reintroduce.   Namely, the goals of this direct action community law restore campaign are to impress on Attorney-General Robert Clark the need for Parliament to RESTORE laws that existed prior t0 2005:

  • to re-introduce independent consumer regulation of the State’s 22,000 lawyers
  • to make the State’s 22,000 solicitors subject to the same professional negligence laws that the legal profession created for all other Victorians, Australians and members of the British Commonwealth Nations, almost a century ago
  • to investigate crimes and corruption committed  by unethical members of the legal profession (notably in family law, mortgage repossessions and wills administration) under the cloak of their immunities from legal action
  • to abolish and outlaw (just as the Kennett-Wade government was forced to do in 1997, ie for the second time in less than 20 years) the crooked and corrupt lawyers’ organisation, the Law Institute of Victoria Limited (originally known as Victorian Lawyers RPA Limited).

A delegation from FRIENDS OF JAMES JOHNSON is seeking to meet with Robert Clark to ascertain his views on these reforms.  One would think it is his Liberal Party (Victoria) political party’s platform to reintroduce the sweeping late 1990s legal industry anti-corruption reforms of the previous Kennett-Stockdale-Wade liberal administration rather than to stick with the crony systems and laws of their Australian Labor Party (Victoria) political opponents.  But there is no doubting that the legal establishment, including the para-government Law Institute of Victoria Limited are a political power in this State – and hold more sway over the Attorney-General’s own Ministries of Lawyers than the Attorney-General himself.  James Johnson discusses this in his 31 December 2012 letter to the Attorney-General (as you can read via the link) and, as James says, “there are worrying signs that Mr Clark is asleep at the helm and the legal fraternity via the Law Institute are running the all powerful Lawyer Agencies and Departments in Victoria.

If you are as concerned as we are to see these pre-2005 laws restored, please contact us via email.  Please join us in this important and long overdue campaign.

All the best for 2013, from all of us at